Terms and Conditions of Nagano The Genius Wave

Welcome to The Genius Wave!

These terms explain the rules for using The Genius Wave website, which you can find. By using this website, you agree to these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree, please stop using the site.

"You": Refers to you, the person using this website.
"The Company": Refers to The Genius Wave.
"We": Refers to The Genius Wave.
"Parties": Refers to both you and us.

We use cookies to help our website work better. By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Cookies help us remember details about your visit and make the site easier to use.

We own all the rights to the content on our site. You can use it for personal use only. You must not:
Republish our material
Sell or rent our material
Copy or reproduce our content
Share our content without permission

User Comments
You can post comments on our site, but we don’t check them before they appear. We’re not responsible for any comments or issues they might cause. We can remove comments we think are inappropriate.

Linking to Our Website
Certain organizations can link to our website without asking us first, such as government agencies, search engines, and news organizations. Other organizations need our approval.

If you want to link to our site, let us know by email. Include your details and the URLs you want to link to.

You can’t create frames around our webpages that change how our site looks without our permission.

Content Liability
We’re not responsible for content on other websites that link to us. If there are issues with such content, you need to handle them.

Your Privacy
Please read our Privacy Policy for information about how we handle your data.

Rights to Remove Links
We can ask you to remove links to our site at any time. If we do, you must remove them right away.

Removing Links
If you see a link on our site that you find offensive, let us know. We may consider removing it but are not required to.

Accuracy of Information
We do not guarantee that the information on our site is always accurate or up-to-date.

We are not liable for any problems or damages resulting from using our site. This includes any issues with the website content or services, even if we provide them for free.